Saturday, February 6, 2010
character Japanese Tattoo Sleeve, Lions, Dusk & Dawn
Character Phoenix tattoo sleeve concept
Botan, Peony, Japanese flower Tattoo
Character Japanese Koi Tattoo, Sleeve Study
More On Chinese Symbol Tattoos
Decide Why
The first thing that you really should consider is why you want to get a tattoo of this type. After all there are lots of different tattoos out there and getting one just because your friend has one or because you read online that they were popular is not a good reason to get any tattoo. Some common reasons to want to get a Chinese tattoo design might be that Chinese is part of your own history and family heritage. Another reason might be that you really love the look, beauty and gracefulness of the writing system. It is very foreign and exotic and can be a nice way to express something in a secretive way. Also many people are drawn to Asian cultures through their studies of the martial arts and this can be another reason to get such a tattoo.
Choose Some Themes
The next step you will want to take once you have decided why you want a Chinese character tattoo is to think about some themes that you want to express. This is very much a personal choice and something you will have to look for inside yourself. Think about what you love and hold dear. What emotions, thoughts or feelings do you want to have other people know about you or things that you value greatly that you want to hold close to you. It might be that you have had a bad relationship with another person and feel weak now and want a tattoo to give your strength. Whatever the reason try to find something like a value that you hold close to your heart.
Consult With An Expert
Next you really should consult with an expert in the field of linguistics ora native speaker and writer of the language you are choosing to get tattooed on your body. All too often people skip this step and go ahead and jump into getting the tattoo inked on their arm. This often has very disastrous results. It can lead to illegible writing or even worse written words that mean something very different then what you wanted. Typically you can even find experts online that are will to help you.
So after you have have decided why you want the tattoo in general and come up with some ideas for the design and then lastly consulted with an expert in the language it is finally time to get the tattoo work inked on your body. This is the big stage and one that you should be looking forward to. Since you have done your research and chosen carefully you don't have anything to worry about. You will now be getting a tattoo that will be a wonderful display of something you hold near and dear to your heart.
Chinese Character Tattoo
China tattoo with lots of character we find in the body of martial artists in the Ultimate Fighting Championship, especially the fighters close to the martial arts of China. Examples are Chuck Liddell, a UFC champion, he had his scalp tattoo with the letter which read China Koei-Kan, a karate school that he learned that also means "house of pleasure and well-being".
Top Tattooed Celebrity Ladies
Celebrating All The Tattooed Ladies
Female Tattoo Gallery
Stop! Please keep reading. All ladies wishing to get a tattoo should read this before taking the plunge.
A tattoo, unlike most things in life can't easily be discarded. Once a tattoo has been placed on your body it's there to stay. Not for a day, week or years but for EVER! Yes, if you make a mistake it's to late, your stuck with your tattoo for a lifetime. Imagine spending the rest of your life trying to hide the very thing you were once so proud of. The thing that was to enhance your beauty not cause you to be ashamed and disappointed. Don't think it can't happen to you, trust me it can very easily.
Statistics will tell you that over 40% of women who get a tattoo regret the decision a few weeks later. Most of them like you will be intelligent and know what they want so how is it such a high number make such a dreadful mistake.
The answer is simple. They get carried away with the idea of being tattooed and make a choice in an emotional frame of mind. They get excited and choose their tattoo design much to quickly. Don't make the same mistake as them. Take your time choosing the perfect design, colour, positioning and size of your new tattoo. So, how can you ensure you find that perfect tattoo?
Firstly RELAX, take your time and set a date for getting your tattoo at least 2-4 weeks from now. Search for your perfect tattoo on-line, at tattoo parlours and in books. Don't restrict your search remember your not in a hurry!
Take a look On-line for your perfect tattoo. For a One time fee of 20-30 dollars you can have access to a database of thousands of tattoo designs. An example is Chopper Tattoos.
The bottom line (no pun intended).
Why would you look to be paying nothing to find your perfect tattoo? If you can't afford another 10-30 dollars you probably can't afford the 100-200 dollars it's going to take to find a first class tattoo artist. You should NEVER ever shop around for a good tattoo artist. Good tattoo artists charge a lot of money because they can, they are in demand because they are good!
Of the two remaining options I would choose pay per tattoo. Yes it's more expensive if you're going to get more than one tattoo, but you get everything you need. You get a high quality tattoo stencil and a color reference. The tattoo stencil is essential as your artist will transfer it to your skin and use the outline to create the tattoo. The color reference will ensure you get a perfect color match. If you want to be absolutely certain your chosen design is perfect you can purchase special transfer paper. You print your design on this paper and then apply it to your body. This way you can "test drive" your new tattoo for a few days before making it permanent. How cool is that?
Hot Tattoos For Ladies - Sexy Tattoos Full Body
Tattoo Body with Sexy Tattoo Design
Hyundai Gets Creative With Sexy Tattoo
Friday, February 5, 2010
Tattoo Sexy Pictures Hot - Small flower Tattoo for girl Desaign
Sexy Small Tattoos ladies
Sexy Tattoos - Hot, Sexy Tattoo Designs
Have you been thinking about getting a sexy tattoo inked somewhere on your body? If you have, then you are not alone as many women both young and old are looking to the internet searching for sexy tattoos.
Hot Tattoos Sexy - Sexy Tattoo
You hit definite that you poverty a tattoo, and are ready to pick out a design. Before you do this though, you need to amount out where you are putting your tattoo, as it module affect the size and context of your design. Most women same to locate their tattoos somewhere horny so they crapper attract attention from the opposite sex. And ground not, that’s pretty much what tattoos are for right?
Here are whatever of the sexiest places to put a tattoo:
1.Lower back: with low-rise jeans still in style, this is the perfect locate for a tattoo. Most designs in this area ingest somewhat of a triangular shape with the point covering down, so the eye is drawn to your lower half. This is also a enthusiastic opencast to put a large, sprawling tattoo, and is easy to counterbalance up if you are going to work.
2.Upper breast: since most guys are hunting there anyways, ground not give them something to look at? Tattoos in this area are mostly smaller, with symbols such as flowers, bees, dragonflies and butterflies being rattling popular.
3.Ankle: if you hit enthusiastic legs then an ankle tattoo is perfect, it module draw the eye to that narrow conception of you and then go on from there. Again you module probably poverty to follow to a diminutive tattoo in this area.
4.Wrist: slender, soft, and usually lightly scented, the carpus is an overlooked horny locate on our bodies. Place a diminutive tattoo on the inside of your carpus and attending the attention you get!
5.Shoulder: show soured your inner Playboy Bunny with a horny tattoo on the back of your shoulder, and then go buy whatever strappy tank tops. You hit a enthusiastic opencast where you crapper locate a nice-sized tattoo and get noticed.
6.Back of Neck: As long as you follow with something small, this is a enthusiastic positioning for an continent symbolisation or something unique. Of course the neck is supremely sexy, and having a cute or interesting tattoo there is a enthusiastic conversation starter.
There are other, more risqué locate where you crapper put a tattoo, it just depends on who you poverty to see it. Here are a whatever suggestions:
1.Above pubic area: perfect for a small, horny tattoo that your primary someone crapper see.
2.Hip: low rise jeans or a bathing suit crapper let you show soured your little friend.
3.Underneath a bra strap: there’s nothing same finding a cute tattoo on your lover while she’s stripping down.
4.Inner thigh: this is definitely a members-only area, so get a symbolisation that he’ll really like.
5.Around intumesce button: there are whatever enthusiastic tattoo patterns for this area, and it is a perfect spot if you are fair a flat belly.
6.Tailbone: again, this spot is distant for your primary someone, so choose carefully.
A tattoo is forever, so you module poverty to spend a aggregation of time choosing your spot and your design, and then speech to a qualified tattoo creator to see if they hit some suggestions or pointers.
Girl Tattoos Sexy
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Chinese Character Tattoos - Get a Good Chinese Translation First

Chinese character tattoos are very unique. Chinese calligraphy is very pleasing to the eye. Chinese character tattoos get extra attention. When someone sees your tattoo they will undoubtedly have to ask you what it means. Then you not only give them the translation but explain why you got it. The last thing you want is a native speaking Chinese to come up to you and tell you that you have an incorrect tattoo. Here is how you avoid that.First decide what phrase or word you want to have inked. Don't rely on what the symbol looks like because the first one you see may be drawn wrong. You can't change up a Chinese character tattoo a little bit to make it look like you want it as you would a traditional tattoo. If you do that, you may change the whole meaning of the phrase.Do a lot of research before having your image inked. I would suggest using a professional translator so you are guaranteed a correct tattoo. Don't just go to any website that says they have Chinese character tattoos. Then make sure you have an artist who specializes in Chinese character tattoos. It can be very easy to make an error while drawing the design and you don't want to have an incorrect tattoo and say something other than intended.Ask a native Chinese speaker about all of the denotations and connotations of the specific characters chosen. Then verify that the characters are genuinely Chinese and perhaps even ask about which type of font should be used. Go online to a good tattoo gallery and look at the different types of fonts available for the design.Take your time, check and recheck everything before you go under the needle. Of all tattoo designs, Chinese character tattoos and other foreign language designs, you need to be 200% comfortable that you have all your questions answered and are getting what you think you are getting.